All weekly events and info can be found at
This Week’s Rundown
4/15: Advocacy Working Group
Car-Lite just graduated from Bike Lane Uprising’s 1st Advocacy Cohort. Read about it here.
From this work we have now set up a Car-Lite Long Beach advocacy working group that meets online every Monday from 5-6pm. Ask to join by emailing: [email protected]
4/16: LA County Multifamily Residential Parking Study
Item 4: The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 9:00 am to consider amendments to Title 22 to modify current requirements on parking for new multifamily housing developments in the County’s unincorporated communities.
4/16: LA County Bicycle Master Plan Virtual Community Meeting
Los Angeles County Public Works (PW) is updating the Los Angeles County Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) and will host a virtual community meeting at 6pm. The BMP will serve as a guide for the development of safe and accessible bikeways and paths within unincorporated Los Angeles County and along County flood control district channels. Don’t forget to take their survey!
4/16: Long Beach City Council Meeting
There isn’t anything Car-Lite related in the regular meeting, but there will be a closed session conference with legal counsel between the City of Long Beach and Bird Global, Inc., regarding their bankruptcy.
4/17: Metro Planning and Programming Meeting (LB-ELA)
The Investment Plan has been updated based on the feedback received during the public comment period from Wednesday, January 31 through Monday, April 1, 2024, and again with feedback received at the CLC and Task Force meetings held on April 4 and April 8, 2024.
Click here to view the Draft Final Investment Plan and related documents including:
- Draft Final Investment Plan “Snapshot”
- Comments and Responses
- Appendices
The next step is for the Metro Board to review, discuss, and consider the adoption of the Investment Plan and its recommendations for funding programs and projects at its upcoming meetings:
Planning & Programming Meeting *
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 1:00pm
3rd Floor Board Room
One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012
*The LB-ELA Investment Plan agenda item materials for this meeting can be found here.
4/18: Long Beach Planning Commission meeting
A new drive thru coffee shop (Starbucks?) is to be built on PCH and Walnut. The plans show they will remove curb cuts along PCH. More info here.
4/20: Long Beach Bike Co-op Pop Up
Free bike tune ups, donation-based fixes, come learn how to fix your bike or share your knowledge with the community! Pop-up located just west of Junipero along the beach bike path. More info here.
4/21: CicLAvia Venice
Join us for our 51st Los Angeles Open Streets Event: CicLAvia—Venice Blvd. This CicLAvia is presented by Metro. Click HERE for the map.
Last Week’s Recap 4/7-4/13
- Some mixed and divisive reactions at the City Council Meeting last Tuesday on Agenda Item 31: A feasibility study for e-scooter use on the Beach Bike Path. Item 31 passed 6-2 with CD-3 Duggan and CD-8 Austin dissenting.
- The Office of Climate Action and Sustainability along with Long Beach Bike Co-Op hosted a successful Bicycle Maintenance Workshop in Orizaba Park on Thursday and learned how to care for their bikes, when to know to take them to a shop and how to change a tire. All registered attendees received a helmet, bike lights, reflectors, tire levers, a hi-vis backpack, water bottle and city bike map.
- The Zone-In City Core Meeting last Thursday showed promising signs of better land-use, but more work is to be done to address residents’ parking concerns.
- We held our monthly in-person meeting at Gaucho Beach last Sunday and are excited for all the upcoming partnerships and events coming up through bike month: Bike lane cleanup/mural tour, Transit Tour, and a Bike Bus to a Deforest Wetlands event. Stay Tuned!

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