We’re a community organization advocating for safe streets and alternative options. Our slack has dozens of Long Beach residents who are passionate about their city and the way we get around it. Here’s a bit more about some of the folks who participate in Car-Lite Long Beach advocacy:

Kurt likes bikes, trains, and buses and thinks the world would be a better place if they went more places and it was easier to use them. He got into advocacy after watching way too much urbanist Youtube and sinking hundreds of hours into Cities: Skylines, and now spends the majority of his waking hours encouraging people to join the fight against car-dependent infrastructure.

My name is KB. I’m a resident of District 3 and I’m a passionate advocate for safer streets and vibrant cycling communities. My journey into advocacy began in 2018 when I was struck by a van while walking to my bus stop at 4th and Redondo on my commute to work. I was fortunate that my crash did not result in severe injury or death, but it was life-altering. Since then, I’ve been dedicated to improving road safety in Long Beach. Come find me at a bikes and coffee ride!

I’m Alex, I’m an infrastructure nerd and confirmed bike guy. I grew up riding my bike everywhere in the San Fernando Valley and just kept right on doing it. I’m passionate about public safety and health as it relates to transportation choices and infrastructure. Catch me at bike lane cleanups and bikes & coffee!